Chuck Colson on the Dignity of Work
Have a great Labor Day, and then go glorify the Lord with your work.
John Stonestreet Chuck Colson

Before you fire up the grill one last time for the summer on this Labor Day, here is Chuck Colson describing the dignity of work.
Work embraced as a calling expresses the glory of God, and it’s part of—very literally—following Jesus. Through our work God provides for us and for our families, contributes to the common good, and also gives us a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction. He has given us work as the way to fulfill His mandate to us … to take dominion over the world he has created.
Chuck also went on to point out that in the pagan world, manual labor was seen as just for the lower classes. But Christianity saw it differently—work was understood to be edifying, part of being made in God’s image, something we could and should do to God’s glory.
So please, have a good day off. And then head back to the construction site, to the office, to school, wherever, refreshed and ready to work as unto the Lord.
This commentary first aired on September 4, 2017.
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