Fiji, a Nation That Sings Hymns to God
A few weeks ago before their contest against Papua New Guinea, the Fijian rugby team took the field and lifted their voices in honor of God.
John Stonestreet Timothy D Padgett

During the last year’s Olympics, the Fijian rugby team won the gold and captured hearts by unashamedly and passionately singing a stirring hymn of praise after their victory. If you have not seen it, it’s kind of wonderfully intimidating to hear these literal giants bellow out praises to God.
And, it seems, they’re at it again. A few weeks ago before their contest against Papua New Guinea, the team took the field and lifted their voices in honor of God. I double dare you to listen to their song and not be moved.
With all the buzz about the dangers of Christian nationalism these days, it’s worth reflecting, courtesy of our Fijian brothers, on the prospects of a nation so drenched by the love of God and the truths of Christianity that singing hymns becomes a marker of national identity, and seems the most natural thing in the world. It’s also worth considering what it really means, and doesn’t mean, for a nation to be Christian in the first place.
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