Our Daughter Says She’s Pansexual. How Can We Walk This In Loving Her Well? – BreakPoint Q&A
John Stonestreet Shane Morris

John and Shane field a sobering question from a ministry-minded family. A daughter informed her mother that she now identifies as pansexual. John and Shane offer resources and encouragement for the mother and her family as they walk a road of love and support as they guide their family to hope in Jesus Christ in the midst of confusion.
Another listener seeks insight on what they’re seeing as an agenda play out in the business community. Specifically, the listener identifies shifts in power where agendas are guiding the business community to a socialistic ideal. How should Christians respond to soft movements of coercion we see inside our economy?
With graduation approaching, another listener looks for resources for a teen’s parents unsure what their daughter should do next year. Rather than attend a university, where a level of maturity is essential, the listener suggests a link or gap year. She asks John and Shane for their recommendations.
Post-High School Programs
Resources on Sexuality
Holy Sexuality – Christopher Yuan
Rethink Your Self – Trevin Wax
Against Heterosexuality | First Things Article – Michael Hannon
Live Hope Ministries (www.livehope.org)
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