According to Open Doors USA, 340 million Christians suffer high levels of persecution for their faith. That’s 1 in 8 Christians around the world. In 2020, the number of Christians murdered for their faith jumped 60 percent.
And according to Open Doors CEO David Curry, “The COVID-19 pandemic has turned a bad situation into an unbearable one.” Repressive governments are using the crisis “to expand faith-based discrimination and violence in regions where religious persecution had already reached alarming rates.”
In India, for example, where many of the nation’s poor have lost their incomes due to COVID, people are turning to government food aid to survive. But as International Christian Concern reports, radical Hindu activists who distribute the aid have told Christians they need to first renounce their faith. Other Christians have been violently attacked at distribution centers.
Pray for the persecuted. And come to BreakPoint.org, and I’ll link you to Open Doors World Watch List. Share it with your pastor and your elected officials.
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Open Doors USA | 2021
Food Aid Denied to Christians by Hindu Radical Groups in India
Persecution.org | June 1, 2020
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