The Point

The Point: God Is Not a Fidget Spinner


John Stonestreet

As if fidget spinners weren’t already annoying. For the Colson Center, I’m John Stonestreet with The Point.

Sunday School teachers have long tried to explain the Trinity, a mystery we can’t fully comprehend or explain, by way of an analogy. Whether it’s the three states of water or the three leaves of a shamrock, or three parts of an egg—eventually these analogies end up teaching one of the ancient heresies about God.

And here’s the latest bad analogy: the Fidget Spinner.

Yes, that new toy that’s dominating America. But as Toy Adams points out at the blog, Unsettled Christianity, the Fidget Spinner analogy teaches the heresy of partialism—the idea that Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are each a part of God.

The real doctrine of the Trinity, taught in Scripture and defined by early church councils, is that there are three Persons Who are one God, and they are not each other.

Yet another good reason to stick with the Creed instead of toying around with theology.


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