It’s their night to shine. For the Colson Center, I’m John Stonestreet with The Point.
On February 9, in partnership with the Tim Tebow Foundation, 540 churches will host “Night to Shine” proms for 90,000 guests with special needs.
Heisman Trophy winner Tim Tebow says that at the end of the night, after all the red carpet treatment, limo rides, fun and glamour, he wants participants to realize that “the God of this universe loves them so much and has a special, unique plan and purpose for their life.”
Chuck Colson’s daughter Emily is a huge fan. She and her son Max, who has autism, attended two years ago. “In the middle of the prom,” she told me, parents and caregivers and adults with disabilities, “watched a video from Tim Tebow. He spoke about the value of every life because God has made each of us.”
Folks, it’s likely a church near you is sponsoring “A Night to Shine.” It’s not too late to volunteer. And it’s never too late to give to this marvelous, every-life-is-sacred project. Just visit TimTebowfoundation.org.
Image: timtebowfoundation.org
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