The Point

The Point: Truth in Headlines


John Stonestreet

Sometimes headlines are ‘fake news.’ For the Colson Center, I’m John Stonestreet with The Point.

In journalism, stories not worth telling are called “dog-bites-man stories.” They happen all the time, so they’re not news. But as the saying goes, if a man bites a dog, that’s a story worth telling.

A growing problem is media outlets making up man-bites-dog stories. Take a recent headline in Forbes: “Testosterone Therapy Increases Anger Expression and Control in Transgender Men, Especially If Their Period Persists.”

In the article, one quickly learns that the story is actually talking about biological women who identify as men. A more honest and less sensational headline would be, “Medically Unnecessary Testosterone Injections Lead to Emotional Instability in Women.”

And of course, they do! Because bodies—especially females—aren’t designed for large quantities of testosterone.

We all must be wary of media sprucing up their headlines with cultural delusions that men can become women and women can become men. It’s dishonest, and distorts journalism the way transgender ideology distorts the two God-created sexes.



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