According to WORLD Magazine, Waskom, Texas is the first town in America to declare itself a sanctuary for the pre-born, banning abortions within town limits. The action came after nearby Louisiana passed a pro-life heartbeat bill, out of fear that abortionists might try to relocate to Texas.
Apparently, the idea is catching on. So much so, in fact, that an ACLU strategist called it “an epidemic” and is now actively trying to intimidate localities. And, to be clear, as a pro-life advocate in Texas admitted to WORLD, unless Roe v. Wade is overturned, these sorts of ordinances wouldn’t stand in court. Of course, if the Supreme Court ever does overturn Roe, this is a strong idea.
By the way, this is another example of why you should get WORLD magazine. Where else will you hear a story like this? For your gift this month to the Colson Center, you can get a 1-year subscription to WORLD magazine. Learn more here.
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