Supreme Court to Hear Case on “Transition Care” for Minors
The decision will have implications across the U.S. on the legality of “transition care” for minors.
John Stonestreet Jared Hayden

This month, the Supreme Court of the United States agreed to take a first-of-its-kind and potentially landmark case on so-called “gender-affirming care.” In United States v. Skrmetti, various trans-identifying individuals, joined by the Biden administration, are suing the state of Tennessee for passing a law protecting minors from chemical or surgical “gender transition” interventions.
The Supreme Court will hear oral arguments for this historical case this fall. The decision will have serious implications for more than 20 conservative states that have restricted “gender transition” interventions for minors.
Also, United States v. Skrmetti is an opportunity for the United States to join so many other first-world countries, and the growing medical-political consensus, that “gender transition” intervention is not a safe or effective treatment for gender dysphoria in minors.
Let’s pray that the justices will rule in favor of the truth and help states bring an end to the destruction of children’s health.
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