Recently, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo signed into law a bill that prohibits employment discrimination based on “the employee’s . . . reproductive health decision making.” The bill also prohibits employers from forcing their employees “to sign a . . . document which purports to deny an employee the right to make their own reproductive health care decisions.” In other words, employees cannot be asked to agree to policies that would be pro-life. This includes, as the Alliance Defending Freedom translates: “all employers—including churches, religious schools, faith-based pregnancy care centers, and religious nonprofits—to disavow their beliefs about abortion, contraception, and sexual morality by forcing them to hire and employ those who refuse to abide by the organizations’ statements of faith.” So, ADF filed a lawsuit on behalf of a pregnancy care center, an association of care centers, and a New York church.
After all, as ADF put it, would New York force the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals to hire meat-eating, fur-wearing recreational hunters? Of course not.
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