On November 9, India’s Supreme Court ruled that the site of a 16th– century mosque in Ayodhya could be used to construct a Hindu temple. The decision comes after nearly three decades of conflict between Hindus and Muslims over the site. Hindus claim the site is the birthplace of the god Ram, the deity described as “the face of aggressive Hindu nationalism.” And just how aggressive has Hindu nationalism become? In 1992, 150,000 Hindu nationalists tried to tear down the mosque brick by brick. Nearly 2,000 people, mostly Muslims, died in the ensuing violence.
By siding with Hindu nationalists, the Court has set an ominous precedent. After all, Ram doesn’t exist, much less have a birthplace. What does exist is a toxic ideology that sees no room in India for any religion other than Hinduism. Muslims lost this time, but Christians are also in the crosshairs. Churches are also being torn down in India.
This is why India ranks 10th on Open Door’s World Watch List. Our Indian brethren and their Muslim neighbors need our prayers.
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