U.S. Expansion of MAiD
More states are considering medically assisted suicide.
John Stonestreet Jared Hayden

The year 2024 could see the further expansion of so-called “Medical Aid in Dying” (MAiD) in the U.S. Ten states, plus Washington, D.C., have already legalized medically assisted suicide. And just last month, a “Death With Dignity” bill was introduced in Virginia, making it one of 17 states considering similar legislation.
Proponents claim MAiD honors dignity by allowing “people who are used to being in control of their lives … to make decisions” at the end of life. In reality, doctors and relations sidestep the very duty to care that human dignity demands.
Even this adoption of the Canadian wording “Medical Aid in Dying” should alarm us. Of the many euphemisms used for this deadly practice, this one’s the most deceptive. MAiD is neither medical nor is it assistance in dying. It’s not about healing or comfort, nor is it about assisting someone as they are suffering. In fact, in 2022, MAiD was the fifth leading cause of death in Canada, 4.1% of all deaths.
We don’t want that here.
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