What Doctors Really Knew about “Transitioning” and Is Planned Parenthood Still Selling Body Parts of Aborted Babies?
John and Maria discuss a series of revelations from this past week, including a set of documents proving what pro-trans medicine practitioners knew about their medical experiments on children.
John Stonestreet Maria Baer

John and Maria discuss a series of revelations from this past week, including a set of documents proving what pro-trans medicine practitioners knew about their medical experiments on children, David Daleiden exposes Planned Parenthood again, and a Congressional hearing featuring Jeremy Tedesco of ADF and Jordan Peterson.
Abortion/ Value of life
Planned Parenthood
Politics & Government
Religious Liberty
Michael Shellenberger’s website
Segment 1: WPATH Scandal
Secret Files Show how international group pushes shocking experimental gender surgery for minors
Segment 2: Planned Parenthood Profiting from Fetal Body Parts
Documents show Planned Parenthood Exchanges Baby Body Parts for Intellectual Property Rights
Segment 3: Investigating Debanking
Hearing on the Weaponization of the Federal Government
De-Banking: Cancel Culture’s Newest Threat
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