
Conversation and Community

colson2We are celebrating an anniversary this month. Our blog, The Point, turned a year old on September 18. Last year, I told you on this program of our goals for The Point: to apply Christian truths in every situation and to speak those truths in a winsome manner that draws both believers and nonbelievers into the conversation. I am happy to report now, a year later, that this is exactly what our blogging team has been doing. In the past year these 20 people, who include Prison Fellowship staffers, former interns, and graduates from our Centurions program, have blogged about pretty nearly everything under the sun. And they have shown how even some of the most unexpected topics can be examined through the lens of a Christian worldview. You probably will not be surprised to hear that our bloggers have talked about politics, archeology, science, church issues, and the ubiquitous Harry Potter. But if you do not believe that the Christian worldview could also be applied to tattoos, board games, or the TV drama Lost, then you really need to visit The Point! And people are visiting. More than 3,000 of them every week! This is now the second-best visited site in the evangelical world. We have had lively and engaging conversations with visitors of all backgrounds, beliefs, and religions. The people who have made their voices heard in our comment sections include Christians, atheists, Muslims, Mormons, conservatives, moderates, liberals, high school and college students, grandparents—the list goes on and on. We have had debates, held contests, taken opinion polls, tossed around ideas on practical ways to reach out to our neighbors for Christ, worked together to compile recommended reading lists, and even shared prayer requests. You see, The Point was never intended to be a place where we just sat around talking to ourselves. It is a community—mainly a community of believers, although all are welcome to participate in the discourse. That has always been part of our vision of what a blog could be, and it has been a joy to watch that vision come true. Of course, I have always said, and I still believe, that no virtual community can be preferable to people actually getting out there and interacting with their families, friends, and neighbors. But when we have to spend time in cyberspace—and an increasing number of us do—we can work together to serve the cause of Christ and promote Christian worldview even there. And in case you have not heard yet, The Point has its own radio broadcast now! Mark Earley does a 60-second daily broadcast called “The Point” on Christian worldview topics, often drawing on topics that have been discussed by our bloggers. The audio clips of these broadcasts are posted every morning on the blog itself, and as Mark Earley says, you can “make your own point” on the topic of the day by posting your comments under them. So if you have not visited The Point lately, we would love for you to drop by and see what topics we and our virtual friends are tossing around. And be sure to add your two cents to the conversation. We need you to help us make our second year even better than our first!  
Today's BreakPoint Offer
BreakPoint WorldView magazine is now available for FREE online. Sign up today!  
For Further Reading and Information
Gina Dalfonzo, “Happy Birthday to Us!The Point, 18 September 2007. (Please answer four short questions at this blog post and tell us what you think.) BreakPoint Commentary No. 060927, “To Blog or Not to Blog: Introducing ‘The Point’.” Listen to “The Point” commentaries by Mark Earley. (Radio stations: Contact Ambassador Advertising to learn how you can air “The Point” on your station.)


Chuck Colson



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