What Would You Say?

Is “Adult” Entertainment Victimless?


Joseph Backholm

You’re in a conversation and someone says, “You may not like p*rn, but it’s just victimless entertainment.”

What would you say?

The next time someone says p*rn is victimless, remember these three things.

First, p*rn builds tolerance for violence toward women: P*rn encourages men to be less troubled by sexual violence and more likely to engage in it.

Second, p*rn is not always consensual: The p*rn industry regularly uses coercion and deceit to lure women and girls into doing things they wouldn’t otherwise do.

Third, p*rn is directly connected to sex trafficking. Not only does p*rn inspire what happens to victims of trafficking, girls who are around p*rn are more likely to end up as victims.


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