Generosity: Why We Give
Generosity reflects God who generously created the world and, in Christ, generously gave Himself for us.
Kasey Leander

Giving Tuesday is an opportunity to reflect on generosity. Though an overwhelming majority of evangelicals believe tithing 10% is a biblical command, the average evangelical only gives around 4% of their income on a yearly basis. Even that number is distorted by a few high-end donors, as Grey Matter research discovered. About half of American evangelicals give less than 1% to church or charity.
This means that many Christians have never experienced the joy of generosity. Jesus wasn’t kidding when He said that “where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”
Consumerism is, for many of us, a shallow form of worship. Generosity, by contrast, reflects God who generously created the world and, in Christ, generously gave Himself for us. When we give, we reflect Him, by comforting the hurting, clothing the poor, and building His Church.
So, please, on this Giving Tuesday, give. To support the Colson Center, visit colsoncenter.org/givingtuesday2022. And wherever you give, give generously.
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