You’re in a conversation and someone says, “I don’t like abortion but I don’t think we should make it illegal. We shouldn’t use the federal government to impose our beliefs on others.”
What would you say?
Many people say they don’t “like” abortion, but they don’t think it should be illegal.
It’s important to realize that when they say they don’t “like” abortion, they are not making a moral claim, they’re making a preference claim. A preference claim is just about what you like better, as if you were talking about flavors of ice cream or your favorite sport.
Moral claims, however, have to do with what is right or wrong.
So, the next time a friend says that he personally opposes abortion, but wants it to remain legal, remember these three steps:
First, legal decisions should be based on morality, not preferences.
Second, laws are designed to limit those things that are wrong.
Third, the government is not, and cannot be, neutral about abortion.
Click on the video to hear the entire conversation, or go to WhatWouldYouSay.org to see more like it.
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