What Would You Say?

Does “Adult” Entertainment Improve Relationships?


Joseph Backholm

You’re in a conversation about “adult” entertainment and someone says, “It isn’t a problem for relationships. It can even be helpful.”

What would you say?

Some people claim that p*rn is not only harmless, it may even increase intimacy for couples. But is that true?

No, so next time someone tells you that p*rn is a victimless form of entertainment and can even be good for relationships, remember these three things.

First, it harms sexual satisfaction. It doesn’t make us more satisfied; it makes us less satisfied.

Second, it creates unrealistic expectations for sex. It provides a fictional view of sex that doesn’t exist in the real world. Those expectations are not simply unrealistic, they’re often unhealthy.

Third, it undermines the stability of many relationships. Its use is linked to higher divorce rates, higher rates of infidelity, and lower quality relationships.



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